
Showing posts from 2014


Greetings! I have some poetry for you today. I have been writing some poetry for a new book and have been enjoying it. Here are some  poems I wrote , not for my book but in my journal.  Here's to quiet time! Thinking Thinking of love the power of the universe coursing through my veins I cannot feel any differently than this than I do right now- I will face the obstacles and way too many self-inflicted blocks I let in this light take my stand for tomorrow and dream of possibilities releasing all that held me back and reaching for the stars with you by my side Difference I feel a difference coming over me, in an instant I am sure of something I never knew before; a knowing that I cannot forget breathes within me now and takes me to a place of mystery mysticism and magic. I am different changed from the inside out and it happened in an instant a moment of silence when we met on sacred ground.

Poetry Musings

Hello! Welcome to my poetry musings today. I am going to share some new poems that  I hope you will like today. First, let me say that my poetry is heartfelt and emotional. It comes from my attempt to name and internalize my feelings. I write to better understand things and I have had a year of big changes in my life. We all go through those years.  They help us grow, if nothing else. If I didn't write I am not sure what I would do to get through some things! I express my joys and sadness as well as hopes and dreams within my poetry. Below are two recent poems. How How can I know which way to go when I have to be practical logical responsible and if I go the way I want to go then I lose security and provision I see nothing inspirational about hunger at all so my question again is what do I do when my dream the path I want to take seems to have closed its doors and even the windows in my face Thankful I am thankful for this moment whe...

Support makes the world go round

Hello! Glad you are here. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me. Today I want to say that what has been on my mind lately is how much it means to me to have supportive people who encourage me on this journey. I am grateful and amazed at the encouragement and motivation offered to me by fellow authors, friends, family. Truly I feel blessed to have support to go after my dreams. Thinking about this, several things came to my mind. One, we feel empowered ourselves when we build someone up. Two, being supportive of someone involves positive energy and this energy comes back to us. Three, we ourselves will need support at some time in our lives. Those who know you support them are going to be there for you. Let's go through these points further. 1. We feel empowered ourselves when we build someone else up. This is because we are coming from a powerful place when we step outside of our small self and seek to inspire or offer comfort to another. Coming from a place of...

Did you listen to the lyrics - a poetry expose

Today is all about poetry. I am specifically thinking of  the power behind the words, what poetry expresses. To me poetry expresses feelings, ideas and most of all the pain and joy of emotional experiences.  It is similar to a great song. We say, did you listen to the lyrics? Think about that. We are asking, " did you stop and think about what the words are saying?",  do you hear the message being expressed? Songs, like a great poem, can express what we are feeling with words that, as the saying goes, say it all. Whether the songs are upbeat or sad, nostalgic or angry, we resonate with some more than others because of what they are saying. What song do you repeatedly sing because it is so catchy or carries exactly the right sentiment? It is perfect for the moment in its emotional pull, isn't it? Consider these: "I'm here to remind you of the mess you left when you went away." "I could've had it all..." "I will ...

Stepping Out in Faith

I love how life works... I really do. I have been plodding along, taking steps towards promoting my books, experiencing challenges and struggles as I am doing this on my own and have, for the moment, no budget due to leaving my job behind to write.  I received a message on FB from a friend, on my wedding anniversary no less, when I was bummed about having no money, who encouraged me just when I needed encouraged.  She was so thoughtful and full of support!The timing was perfect.  I think God does that. Sends you the perfect person, book or song at just the right time. You see, we are never alone. I know that. I hope you can see and know it, too. Love is always near. It is easy to forget the awesomeness of that truth when life hits you, tries to make you believe in the opposite. I suppose that is why I am so thankful for friends like the one I mentioned earlier, those rays of light that shine for us when our own light dims just a little. They ar...


Thank you for being here! I am making this a personal entry today. Because I am feeling so many things at once right now. Has that ever happened to you? I'm betting it has. It must be universal. Part of the human experience. So while I'm going through things, does it help to realize that I have caused most of what I'm going through (and, consequently, would rather not be) ? In other words, I am responsible for my situation. No! part of me wants to rebel at this but I know better. I know the truth. I stubbornly, crazily, used to teach my preschool class a pledge about choices and consequences! Yeah. I know. I accept how the universe works. I guess what I realize is that I have things in my life that are hard to deal with and I put them there, even though I say I'm ready for a new life, for abundance, health, joy and laughter. It is a test of faith, a time of getting clear on what I believe.  Looking at ways that I sabotage my drea...

Trials on the journey

Sometimes we go through things in life that seem unfair. Things can get so hard to deal with sometimes!  Part of the journey of life is learning to transcend what we perceive to be our limitations  and/or circumstances. Our understanding progresses as we consider what is within our control, how to deal with what we can't. Our values and beliefs may shift as a result. This is my experience, anyway, and maybe yours, too. What I know is that while I have let go of some ideas, beliefs and perceptions that I can see are not life-affirming, I have adopted new ones that further my goal of  living more inspired and at peace. This involves positive affirmations and much reading of inspirational texts, followed by meditation and prayer. I must note that this effort has not come without testing. Lucky my resolve to really change is strong- of course maybe this brings harder tests! I would leave you with a poem I wrote and a quote. I hope you feel that whateve...
Hello! Welcome to my poetry blog!! I am anticipating fall weather as many are and have somehow been doing a lot of reading lately. It surprised me that I did what I used to do at the library - get three books in the Self Improvement /spirituality aisles. They were great at giving me just what I needed and I love when books do that.. or when I am led to the perfect books, however you want to look at it; I gained a great deal of insight from those books. Below is a poem that came about after reading these books.  Enjoy! Love Love comes and goes with the wind love's constant movement is the only constant beating our hearts fueling our dreams- standing  before me is  Love rising before me is Love coming closer to me is Love and I grab hold of it willing it to stay awhile; I want  no barrier between love and I for I am the child of love; I come and go in the wind constant movement is my only constant and now I am beating you heart fueling your dr...


Hello! Thanks for stopping in today! I have been very busy writing and reading... my first non-fiction is in the works and I started a collection  of poetry for a new book of poems to be published in the future. What I am sharing below is a selection of poems I will not put in my book-- they are only to be found here! I hope you enjoy. I welcome comments and ideas. And now for the star of the show.. Know Do we know each other really or have we ceased to taste, feel and hear each others' heartbeat and song- the nights are not a comfort like they were upon a time once; perhaps we should grace each other with love for love's sake and see where we go from there Goodbye Saying goodbye to the dream I had left  me feeling alone and vulnerable- what was I to do without my dream to guide me, inspire and sustain I wondered Now a part of me was gone  barely a meager offering left to salvage and I was a stranger even to myself saying goodbye sayi...

A woman's faith and more

Greetings! I am finally doing a brief commentary on my newest book,  A Woman's Faith. It is a special book to me for many being the topic of faith is so important to me, and two, it speaks of my whole purpose for writing, which is to inspire and motivate and help others  even if just a little bit. It is my soul's deepest wish to bring comfort, insight and peace through my words. I  went through a great time of it in the beginning. I love to self-reflect and kept my pace as I was writing. For a while. Then real life set in. Issues in my work, my marriage, even my health, all fell upon me in what seemed like a one-time explosive bomb.  Struggling to do the everyday was so difficult, and usually writing helps me with that. But I couldn't find the positivity I needed, the inspiration. I felt almost dead inside. Isn't that crazy? To be in the midst of writing a book on something so meaningful and inspiring then have your 'mojo' leave you? I t...

Going through Passages.. Exhibit and Conclusions

                                                                Welcome!!      Welcome to the world of reading and writing. That is what we may hear from others in the business and say to ourselves when we embark upon a writing career. At some point. Well, I was able to do just that when I went to an exhibit entitled "Passages" in my hometown that contained a treasure trove of artifacts and documents, dealing with the history and evolution of the Bible.  I saw fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls, scrolls and documents of various centuries, bibles of numerous regions and time periods and much more. I was indeed struck by the religious significance, of course...

A woman's faith

Hello! I am hoping this finds you well and ready for a wonderful August! Time goes by so quickly.. summer is here for a little while longer, then a change of seasons is upon us. Time for reflection is rare and precious, and yet the rewards are so vast! What came of my reflections and journaling is my latest book, my second baby if you will, that is ready for the world! It is a book about faith, in particular a woman's faith, hence the title,  A woman's faith. I feel strongly that faith is a personal matter, individual yet relational. It is the core of our faith that shapes us and directs us. After giving much thought to the matter of faith I wrote my second book. I would love for you to check it out and join me in celebrating the strength we have within!

Whispers ..

Finding, or rather rediscovering, that I have a deep love for poetry has been a life changing event for me. I think it is because I feel that self expression is an art, and poetry is a form of that. I recently went to the art museum in town and truly enjoyed the experience of being surrounded by numerous forms of art from various time periods. Creativity and self expression, be it from a brush or pen, inspires me. I often think of the time and dedication it took to hone those innate skills.. I know talent needs refined and working on something with a defined goal draws that talent forth. But I am getting off track here a little bit! What inspires you, causes you to take a breath of wonder from deep within, makes time stand still? What talents do you possess- and you so have some- that the world would rejoice to see released? These questions I am asking are not light ones but they are meaningful. So pause when you can and reflect on them, perhaps letting them bring you to insi...

Looking and seeing

Today I am enjoying the weather and have given myself time to read and write. What a great thing! I recently took a vacation so I am posting a picture of that...nothing like your favorite spot to inspire creativity! It is also nice to come away from something with a sense of being expanded, enriched. I was inspired to write two poems after reading Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist ! Oh, what a book! Truly loved it. Read it straight through and plan to read it again soon, making note of key phrases and such. Tremendous insight in that book! Anyway, my point is that things around us speak to us of truth all the time, if we will only slow down and listen. Life is so fast paced these days that much is missed or at the very least taken for granted. When we acknowledge that we are surrounded by blessings, always, it becomes easier to see these blessings and to fill our lives and the lives of others with joy. It all starts with a willingness to look and see! Look look around you look w...

Inspiring Writing and Fellow Spiritual Writers

Hello again! Today is a day of celebration for me, but more on that to come. I am focusing today on the inspiration I received from the writing of  Matthew Rainbow Walker. His books "Perspective" and "The meaning of life" both accurately summed up the wisdom of several years worth of reading on the topic of manifesting, thought power,  and spiritual growth in general. The books are brief yet truth-filled and oozing with enthusiasm and passion. That's the kind of writing I can appreciate! If this topic interests you, and even if you have read many books on self growth and spirituality like I have, you will come away from these books with a sense of ease, peace and encouragement.  Happy Reading!!  the link for "Perspective" is also, for "The meaning of life" the link is

Poetry and Inspiration

                                                        This is poem I wrote during a stressful time in my life and after I read a book that inspired me and uplifted me. The reference to the rose refers to our gift, the special gift we have to offer the world. I hope that this year I can focus on this and expand my outreach. That is the purpose of my writing and my deepest desire. I hope you enjoy the poem! Edge of Heaven I stand edge of heaven looking down upon the earth am I ready for this I say I wonder if there is another I do not want to forget who I am, where I am the sublime beauty of this place my truest home of homes Taking a moment I inhale deeply of the love infusing my atmospher...

To write about it.. writer's query

This is a brief post today. I am balancing changes in work, home and other aspects of life. Just when I decided to focus on my writing, a ton of challenges were put upon me. Such is life! My hope is that you are embracing all life offers and keep positive. Our feelings and thoughts are so important and influence those around us. On that note I want to say that from a writing standpoint I am not sure of what I will write next, but I know what is on my heart.. relationships. Perhaps I will go with that and let my searching and questioning bring me to the answers I seek and to inspiration. With that I will bring forth my new book.


Welcome to a brief discussion on the power of words! I will start by saying that my ultimate goal is that my poems inspire, reach, touch others on a soul level. Perhaps that is because I am drawn to giving of my heart which feels such thankfulness and also the desire to awaken in others the truth of their beauty and power. The Hafiz quote below states that yearning quite beautifully and also summarizes my past month, which has been challenging. Nevertheless, I give you two poems below to ponder. From me to you!       Given We are given love to share  express,build and grow We are given joy  to multiply, taste and impart We are given the power  to heal, create and forgive We are given life to live  may we use it well Intent Make of my intent what you will  take my desire to it's ultimate fulfillment  make manifest my dreams  and may their expression  be our delight      Let me just say I love Rumi and Hafiz. Their poet...

Why I am a sprouting soul and you should be, too

I just spent days reading and rereading  "Sprouted Soul" by Doobie Shemer and I come away feeling changed every time. Changed into more. Changed by the sheer energy and emotion that is expressed within the pages of this collection of deeply intuitive and spiritual poems. The poems describe with yearning , agony and ectasy the delight of reaching for and finding the divine. The masterful use of divinely chosen words truly does transport you to a place of ethereal joy and longing, where your soul is laid bare and honest before you. This poetry book is powerful, moving and as divinely inspired as anything I have every read. Please, please, please get this book and give it as a gift to your highest self. You will be so glad you did! This is a brief post today, but I really want you to seek out this beautiful, love-filled poetry book by Doobie Shemer. It is a blessing waiting to be received! Find it at

Moving Poetry

This morning I want to give a shout out to a fellow poet who I came across recently. Her name is Shavonne L Jackson and her book of poetry titled "At Night She Cried" is available now. I enjoyed this book of poetry for many reasons. It is an honest, fresh and deeply introspective look at life that I found laced with wisdom, grace and honesty. There is no shying away from emotion here!   To me , the poems reflected self assessment , growth, evolution of a woman's soul. I felt many familiar emotions stirred up within me as I read these poems and I could feel myself pulled along on the journey the author wrote about in her poems. Reading them took me to places I had and still have within me, brought raw emotion to the surface. Isn't that what powerful writing does? This is a brief blog, but I would rather you go read the poems in this book! Check it out! Http:// Shavonne Jackson                  "At Nig...


I am considering this morning all the gifts that I have and how lucky I am.  I have felt very loved this week, thanks to the outpouring of love I received  when things were getting a little too much for me! To be surrounded by support  and encouragement is such a blessing! Many times we are so busy making sure  we are there for others that we do not realize how much others are there for us,  or even that we need them. But we do, of course. And they are. So consider  this a recognition of the truth that love is always closer than the air we breath.  It is the air we breath. Love and many thanks! Some poetry from this week...                                                          Felt                                    I ...

Captured on paper!

Image I am loving micropoetry this morning and feel inclined to write on the theme of family as of late. Maybe it is the time of year or perhaps life in general, but I am going to have to organize my feelings through writing soon! My hope today is to focus on my goals, gain clarity and write !! There is a great deal of beauty in the world and as I step into this season of changes and growth I hope to capture some of it on paper!

Favorites then and now

    As I was driving in my car one morning I began to remember songs that I had liked in childhood and was struck by the fact that so many of them, when I thought of the lyrics, read like a poem. Awesome that even at even at a young age something inside of me responded to poetic verse and that the radio was my first introduction to words-albeit sung and accompanied by music-  that evoked emotion. Before I read poetry I could hear a tune and I would think " oh, listen to the words of that song! " It cannot come as a surprise, I suppose, that the longing and yearning, the push and pull of the heart, is what etched those songs into my brain. Ergo books and movies that I more than like, but love.    Titanic, Memoirs of a geisha, Gone With the Wind, to name a few. And books. I love books on the longer side, books that take you somewhere, someplace emotionally that changes you. Makes you think. Feel. Grow.      I think what we enjoy says a lot abo...

Season of inspiration

  So much newness in spring! I love the season of spring. Just the sight of color can sooth my restless spirit and can fuel my imagination with ideas and possibilities. Endless examples of life, growth, change. Everything is vibrant and new. Love is in the air, they say.   So you might say I personally feel inspired by spring. By weather that is warm, colorful. When it comes to writing we can look for what inspires us and use that in a way that brings a certain quality to what we write. This quality will shine through even if we can't identify what it is exactly.   Think to what inspires you, take care to not to keep yourself from those things for too long. Really, this is about being in balance and not being too extreme on either end of the spectrum. Burnout and lack of inspiration, while maybe not totally unavoidable at times, can be lessened and shortened intensity perhaps if we take steps to fill our days with as much of what inspires us as we can.  ...


     This morning I am thinking of what personally inspires me to write, what inspires me about others. Life in general. I recognize traits within others I admire and want to have within myself. I feel the world would be a better place if I expressed more of certain qualities, so I strive to do so. But what is it within others that uplifts us, just from being around them? How do we choose what inspires us.. Or does it choose us?      It is like a topic for writing. If an idea gets hold of us and settles in our minds, at what point do we give it the time and space it needs to develop? when we do it is perhaps the inspiration we feel that propels us forward. Focused and energized, we call ourselves inspired.       What is inspiration to you? A feeling of all things are possible ? A joyous emotion? The hope of making a better future? A combination of things? It is interesting that this answer will vary from person to person yet we all value...

Poetry in Motion

Today I am focusing on poetry. Why do I love it? Perhaps it is the play on words, the expressive nuances and double meanings. The ability to evoke emotion, speak of universal experiences in either a funny, serious or reverent way. The mood, the tone, the choice to be brief or expound at length.  Poems have always spoken to the reflective, inner seeker in me that ponders deep questions. Whatever we write, our words are an expression of our heart and mind , reveals the stirring with our imagination and focus of our heart.  It is with this being said I will leave you with a few poems.  My Dream My dream is coming true  to express my heart with words on the page;  soaring high on the wings of my destiny  I fly into the  abyss of joy. Rest Rest with me  let me into your troubled questions I will dry your tears I will fortify your soul; Rest with me  welcome me into your life   and the sun will shine again  upon you.

Word count

Beginning a new book, A Woman's Faith, early into ch3 and finding it wants to take its own path. Should I even bother giving a title to the chapters if they end up not even corresponding? Wow. And I wish I could let go of word count, just write. Getting stuck with what I want to say,trying to make it flow,  is a process that is teaching me patience! I tell myself, this is just the first draft! Editing will come later, so just write! Sometimes my ideas do not go with the current chapter so I jot them down for later.. To add or discuss in a future chapter.  Not a very organized method, but I think it will work for my right- brained self! At least I know I enjoy the genre of self-help and spiritual growth. It hit me the other day that I read so many of these type of books, and for a long period in my life they were so instrumental in my personal development.  I desire to write these type of books, to hopefully offer some benefit to someone, uplift someone, by my sharing my t...

Forging ahead

Today I am back in the writing saddle again! After dealing with illness and adjusting to this extreme winter weather I am forging ahead with a new writing project. It is about faith, a very important topic to me. I started out with my first chapter coming along nicely and after beginning ch 2 I realized I may need to develop an outline! I know I could just write, see where it goes, edit as needed. This leads me to ponder automatic writing and wonder how that works. Fascinating topic, for me anyways!  I do have a word count goal for this book, which scares me a little as it is my first time doing this and it feels daunting! But I tell myself, slow and steady wins the race. On I go with my vision in my heart; also  I am about to make a life changing decision today as well. Needing fortitude, yet feeling inspired and grateful. Now to find my pen!

Living intentionally

     I would like to start by saying that I am thankful for many things in my life. I am very fortunate to have the people in my life that I do, and I am currently taking a lot of steps in the directions of my dreams. I am filled with anticipation for the future. How can this be, such a difference in outlook?      To be at the point in my life that I am has been a journey of discovery and reflection, true. But what I have found lately is that I was becoming consumed with seeing a change in my life, almost as if I was being propelled forward by some invisible force. This culminated in the realization that I had to act as if.. as the saying goes. I had to learn to hold my focus, stay positive and do what needed to be done to see my dreams come to fruition. All of this is common sense, really. But we get in our own way sometimes. I certainly do. When I consciously stopped doing this so much and opened up to the fact that I needed to apply and live by the trut...

Today, a travel poem

I am today offering a poem inspired by travel, vacationing, the experience of somewhere new.                                                    Vacation               Planned in advance         finally here         time to go         off in a hasty cab         airport crowded and chaotic         nothing is on time anymore          Visions of cotton-like clouds         spread out in vastness         like mountain peaks and valleys         of white serenity          Landing is smooth, here we are          smack - stamp - whack          goes the no-smile agent   ...


Ok, so the new laptop I received at Christmas is already going to have to go in for repairs... What is with a green screen? Anyway, I kind of panicked about losing a newly started story until I realized that even if I have to start over I can prevail. I have had to start over on many things before-- not usually a story I had ten pages on -- but still ! I do not like the idea of time or energy being wasted yet I recognize the personal benefit I gained from the experience , the reflection involved, was the gift  I received from my writing and that cannot be lost. So when I get my laptop back I will take what I have handwritten and add to my story. I will utilize the library and be open to the experiences that come from going with the flow. Inspiration abounds!

Looking and finding answers

I love quiet time to reflect and seem to be getting up earlier as of late, which gives me time for reflection. I have been thinking about what steps to take next in my life and am wanting clarity, assurance that what I want to do is the right thing. But isn't that the point? Every choice we make in life leads us to another, and the path is set. Maybe there is no right choice yet I must go with what feels right, what is calling me. Learning to listen to inner guidance, going within, is for me resulting in the knowledge that I must pursue that which will fulfill me, use my gifts, answer the call of my heart. I know I can no longer ignore the message I am receiving, and it is that way with us all. To heed the call of our passion is a turning towards joy. It involves many steps and obstacles. We do not take this journey alone, however. Stay the course, and you will see !

Reflections on progress.. in lfe and story

Finding it hard to continue on with my story titled " Remembering"  but I will get back to it tomorrow. I am wanting to have the story help others who have gone through what I have went through and yet I also know a lot of my battles have been of my own making. Makes me wonder why we are so hard on ourselves sometimes. Even now I count my blessings as I wish for things to be different. What happened to contentment and seeing all we have been graced with? I have overcome a lot just like everyone yet do not focus on that grand truth enough. Time to start, I think.  If I can find the words to express this in my book it will guide me to finishing it, or at least get closer. Wish me luck, and may I see the guidance that is always near!

reflections of a bibliophile

   Today I spent a few hours in the library,  just looking at what was there for fun and also doing research. I found the sheer number of  cookbooks to be amazing, for example. I was able to see many new books that interested me and favorite books I have read before. I still remember the summer I read a particular book and how other books could not grab me the way that one did. I love to have several books that I am reading at once. Is that weird? Maybe. But I read fiction and nonfiction at the same time, so I mix it up a little. Maybe it is my way of being unusual, contrary. Or maybe it is just me, taking it all in, being me. Finally.
Today I have written 1000 words on basically what I have learned as a result of my experience having Turner's Syndrome. I am finding it hard to decide how to structure my story but it is exciting and rewarding. Loving this chance to express my heart, and all because of snow days. Go snow!

Happy New Year

I am so happy for it to be 2014 and I am looking forward to my experiencing the process of having more poems written and children's stories written and published. I just last week published on kindle through create space my first poetry book. So excited!!!