
Welcome to a brief discussion on the power of words! I will start by saying that my ultimate goal is that my poems inspire, reach, touch others on a soul level. Perhaps that is because I am drawn to giving of my heart which feels such thankfulness and also the desire to awaken in others the truth of their beauty and power. The Hafiz quote below states that yearning quite beautifully and also summarizes my past month, which has been challenging. Nevertheless, I give you two poems below to ponder. From me to you!

We are given love to share 
express,build and grow
We are given joy 
to multiply, taste and impart
We are given the power 
to heal, create and forgive
We are given life to live 
may we use it well


Make of my intent what you will 
take my desire to it's ultimate fulfillment 
make manifest my dreams 
and may their expression 
be our delight

     Let me just say I love Rumi and Hafiz. Their poetry reminds me of a whispered blessing over someone asleep, done by someone standing over them. It never fails to cause my breath to catch, my heart to stir. My innermost being recognizes the wisdom contained within the words, I feel lifted out of my narrow shell and my true Self is revealed. What a glorious, expansive feeling!
     This is what I love about poetry and words in general. I love the moment when the words you read soak in and change you in some way, with either a new realization or absolute confirmation. Your thoughts and feelings, and yes, beliefs, are ultimately affected. Words are powerful agents of change, and this is awesome! 
     So as you read, stop for a minute and observe how what you are reading is affecting you. You might be in for a surprise.
     I have included below a beautiful quote by Hafiz that I love. Enjoy!


  1. I love them both, Kimberly. You should use your expertise to build a platform for students and teachers (if you're not doing this already). I'd love for several children to write about what the "Given" poem means to them.

    With so much non-remorsefulness, lack of consideration and care for others, and bullying going on in our communities and schools, this is a great poem for children to ponder, too.

    With some literary works and poems, children are asked my their English teachers to attempt exercises like the one I described. I'm not sure how much of this is going on these days in our classrooms, but I just love the idea.

    Another Idea: You could run a contest on your website's blog and perhaps get lots of visitors. If you decide something like this, I'd come back to visit, read the thoughts and ideas the children post, and RT to your blog, too.

    Take Care - Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.

    1. thank you so much for your helpful comments and suggestions. You are so insightful and right-on the mark when it comes to schools. I will not say much except I have taught in prek for ten years with 7 in various grades so I know what you are getting at. I am thinking about some type of contest but not sure how to go about it. I am liking the idea, though! Thanks again, please keep in touch!


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