Going through Passages.. Exhibit and Conclusions


     Welcome to the world of reading and writing. That is what we may hear from others in the business and say to ourselves when we embark upon a writing career. At some point. Well, I was able to do just that when I went to an exhibit entitled "Passages" in my hometown that contained a treasure trove of artifacts and documents, dealing with the history and evolution of the Bible.  I saw fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls, scrolls and documents of various centuries, bibles of numerous regions and time periods and much more. I was indeed struck by the religious significance, of course, and was moved by that immensely, but  I was also  touched by the exposure to the theme of and tangible evidence of writing throughout time. Here are some things that I was struck by:

1. The importance of having a permanent record in writing.
2. The reason behind the text being written in the first place.
3. The value placed on what was written, and lastly,
4. The writers (scribes) themselves.

     So much importance put upon what was written, the act of writing itself given  I think at first a grand and noble aura, a mystique and sacredness almost. It turned into a form of power, then a way to maintain power. It was used as such, and in time became marginalized and integrated into everyday life. Even the journey of writing itself could make an interesting book and there are a few out there!

     All this is to say that our ability to read and write is an awesome gift that should not be taken lightly. We gain immeasurably by having this privilege and I hope we realize that.

     Also, if the traveling exhibit "Passages" comes to your town, you simply have to see it! You owe it to yourself!


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