
     This morning I am thinking of what personally inspires me to write, what inspires me about others. Life in general. I recognize traits within others I admire and want to have within myself. I feel the world would be a better place if I expressed more of certain qualities, so I strive to do so. But what is it within others that uplifts us, just from being around them? How do we choose what inspires us.. Or does it choose us?
     It is like a topic for writing. If an idea gets hold of us and settles in our minds, at what point do we give it the time and space it needs to develop? when we do it is perhaps the inspiration we feel that propels us forward. Focused and energized, we call ourselves inspired. 
     What is inspiration to you? A feeling of all things are possible? A joyous emotion? The hope of making a better future? A combination of things? It is interesting that this answer will vary from person to person yet we all value having inspiration in our life and recognize it when it is gone. We bemoan the fact that we can feel its lack, for something is off if it is missing from our life. We know it. 
     So as I think of people who have inspired me, who offered me an example of someone who took being a person of integrity seriously, and of those who are inspiring me right now, I see there is no difference. The love and encouragement I was surrounded with then and still have now is the same and it enables me to feel capable of achieving my dreams. So I write. 
     What inspires me to write is they joy it brings, the purpose I feel I have for doing it. It is fulfilling and challenging. Who inspires me? That list has become part of me, of who I see myself to be. And that influences my writing. 
     Take what you will from this message of inspiration today. Feel, write and live from inspiration.
The world will thank you for it!


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