Looking and seeing

Today I am enjoying the weather and have given myself time to read and write. What a great thing! I recently took a vacation so I am posting a picture of that...nothing like your favorite spot to inspire creativity! It is also nice to come away from something with a sense of being expanded, enriched. I was inspired to write two poems after reading Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist! Oh, what a book! Truly loved it. Read it straight through and plan to read it again soon, making note of key phrases and such. Tremendous insight in that book!
Anyway, my point is that things around us speak to us of truth all the time, if we will only slow down and listen. Life is so fast paced these days that much is missed or at the very least taken for granted. When we acknowledge that we are surrounded by blessings, always, it becomes easier to see these blessings and to fill our lives and the lives of others with joy. It all starts with a willingness to look and see!


look around you
when you look with eyes that see clearly
gone is the line between you and me
it is blurred by the light of truth that shines
radiantly from a soul divine;
look around you
you'll see that which you already knew
that there is no separation or division
discovering unity is our true mission;
the reason for everything
the answer for everything
is found when you


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