Season of inspiration

  So much newness in spring! I love the season of spring. Just the sight of color can sooth my restless spirit and can fuel my imagination with ideas and possibilities. Endless examples of life, growth, change. Everything is vibrant and new. Love is in the air, they say.
  So you might say I personally feel inspired by spring. By weather that is warm, colorful.
When it comes to writing we can look for what inspires us and use that in a way that brings a certain quality to what we write. This quality will shine through even if we can't identify what it is exactly.
  Think to what inspires you, take care to not to keep yourself from those things for too long. Really, this is about being in balance and not being too extreme on either end of the spectrum. Burnout and lack of inspiration, while maybe not totally unavoidable at times, can be lessened and shortened intensity perhaps if we take steps to fill our days with as much of what inspires us as we can.
    For me, the topic of my next book is motivating. I am at a phase where I am excited to write about what is near and dear to my heart and I am slowly getting the structure of my book to the halfway point; it is after that point that I am needing guidance. It will come, and I will finish my book.
   The journey of beginning this new phase of my life, to becoming a writer, has brought me to new places emotionally and spiritually, too.
   It is my hope that we seek and find joy and inspiration, whatever season we love, whatever challenges come upon us, wherever we are. Just opening ourselves up to the beauty and blessings we have around us will create an atmosphere of motivation, peace and positivity. That is worth writing about!


  1. I truly identify with you Kimberly. Spring is a time of renewal, beginning again.It is the time of year I feel a sense of starting off new with a fresh clean slate. Places we travel or meeting someone continues to fuel my inspiration in writing along the path and journey. It is after all everyone has a journey. May your journey continue to grow and I'm looking forward to following it.

    1. thank you! this has been a year of changes for me.. I am sure for you, too. I am developing my goals for my writing as we speak. I appreciate your comment!

  2. Want to know what a writer is like? Read what he writes. Good luck on your new journey.


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