Word count

Beginning a new book, A Woman's Faith, early into ch3 and finding it wants to take its own path. Should I even bother giving a title to the chapters if they end up not even corresponding? Wow. And I wish I could let go of word count, just write. Getting stuck with what I want to say,trying to make it flow,  is a process that is teaching me patience! I tell myself, this is just the first draft! Editing will come later, so just write! Sometimes my ideas do not go with the current chapter so I jot them down for later.. To add or discuss in a future chapter.  Not a very organized method, but I think it will work for my right- brained self! At least I know I enjoy the genre of self-help and spiritual growth. It hit me the other day that I read so many of these type of books, and for a long period in my life they were so instrumental in my personal development.  I desire to write these type of books, to hopefully offer some benefit to someone, uplift someone, by my sharing my thoughts on the page. Keeping this goal, really this heart - felt vision, inspires me to patiently pace myself, dig deep, and write. The words will come.


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