Did you listen to the lyrics - a poetry expose

Today is all about poetry. I am specifically thinking of  the power behind the words, what poetry expresses. To me poetry expresses feelings, ideas and most of all the pain and joy of emotional experiences.

 It is similar to a great song. We say, did you listen to the lyrics? Think about that. We are asking, "did you stop and think about what the words are saying?", do you hear the message being expressed?

Songs, like a great poem, can express what we are feeling with words that, as the saying goes, say it all. Whether the songs are upbeat or sad, nostalgic or angry, we resonate with some more than others because of what they are saying. What song do you repeatedly sing because it is so catchy or carries exactly the right sentiment? It is perfect for the moment in its emotional pull, isn't it?
Consider these:
"I'm here to remind you of the mess you left when you went away."
"I could've had it all..."
"I will always love you."
"You give love a bad name."
 I write the songs that make the young girls cry..."

Words convey our intent. They give definition to our emotions. Through our words others can relate to us and learn about us, our thoughts, dreams and visions of the future.  Everything from our regrets to our best-laid plans needs words to be fully expressed.

Communication is all about exchange of  ideas and intent. thought, feeling and desire.

I have read many poetry books lately that do a great job of bringing emotions to the forefront. Even emotions I have buried and have not  in years may rise up at the reading of that poem. But that is what I want. I want to feel when I read.  
Do you like to feel when you read? I bet you do. It is the pleasure from  the experiences we have while reading that brings us back for more.
I am writing poems again for a new book and find myself more critical this time, not sure if they are good enough or accurate. Are the words too shallow? Too dry? I don't know, and doubting myself on my word choice is frustrating. I have to learn to relax. The words will come.
So, the next time you can't get a song out of your head,  just go with it. It's there for a reason.


  1. It's a deep article , which full of emotion . I think that the inspiration from our individual reflexion , is very important in the expression of our free will around us .

  2. thank you!! I love your comment and appreciate your understanding!


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