Whispers ..

Finding, or rather rediscovering, that I have a deep love for poetry has been a life changing event for me. I think it is because I feel that self expression is an art, and poetry is a form of that. I recently went to the art museum in town and truly enjoyed the experience of being surrounded by numerous forms of art from various time periods. Creativity and self expression, be it from a brush or pen, inspires me. I often think of the time and dedication it took to hone those innate skills.. I know talent needs refined and working on something with a defined goal draws that talent forth. But I am getting off track here a little bit!
What inspires you, causes you to take a breath of wonder from deep within, makes time stand still? What talents do you possess- and you so have some- that the world would rejoice to see released? These questions I am asking are not light ones but they are meaningful. So pause when you can and reflect on them, perhaps letting them bring you to insights that will astound you. Here's to revelations and insights!
Also, I started this with a mention of poetry and I will end with poetry! Tying in with talent being honed and honoring your skill, there is a new poetry anthology out comprised of a collection of spiritual poems. Entitled Whispers of the Soul, it is on amazon now, and yes, I do have a poem published in it, but all the poems are truly wonderful. This is a terrific addition to anyone's collection of poetry and it is available in print or ebook. Check it out for yourself !!Here is the link http://amzn.to/1rBfWWD


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