Stepping Out in Faith

I love how life works... I really do.

I have been plodding along, taking steps towards promoting my books, experiencing challenges and
struggles as I am doing this on my own and have, for the moment, no budget due to leaving my job
behind to write.  I received a message on FB from a friend, on my wedding anniversary no less, when
I was bummed about having no money, who encouraged me just when I needed encouraged.  She was
so thoughtful and full of support!The timing was perfect.

 I think God does that. Sends you the perfect person, book or song at just the right time. You see, we are never alone. I know that. I hope you can see and know it, too. Love is always near. It is easy to forget the awesomeness of that truth when life hits you, tries to make you believe in the opposite.

I suppose that is why I am so thankful for friends like the one I mentioned earlier, those rays of light
that shine for us when our own light dims just a little. They are there for us, light the way.
Oh, and when I mentioned no budget? I meant it. No dinero.  Nada. For the first time in my adult life
I have no secure paycheck.  Just a bit scary. So I am for now doing this, writing and promoting, with
a sense of patience and hopeful awareness. Of course I wonder, was it a smart move? Only in the
sense that I have time to write, feel inspired and explore the inner recesses of my soul and write what
my heart and soul feels it needs to.

I trust that all things will work out and everything will work out. All will be provided.
I am writing and writing some more. My friend who offered words of encouragement to me gave me
several gifts - recognition, hope, inspiration and faith.
I hope that whatever life is giving you now it is filled with abundant examples of love and support.
And remember we are that example for others, too. Life comes full circle.

Faith is the root of all blessings- Jeremy Taylor


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