Support makes the world go round

Hello! Glad you are here. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me.
Today I want to say that what has been on my mind lately is how much it means to me to have supportive people who encourage me on this journey. I am grateful and amazed at the encouragement and motivation offered to me by fellow authors, friends, family. Truly I feel blessed to have support to go after my dreams. Thinking about this, several things came to my mind. One, we feel empowered ourselves when we build someone up. Two, being supportive of someone involves positive energy and this energy comes back to us. Three, we ourselves will need support at some time in our lives. Those who know you support them are going to be there for you. Let's go

through these points further.

1. We feel empowered ourselves when we build someone else up. This is because we are coming from a powerful place when we step outside of our small self and seek to inspire or offer comfort to another. Coming from a place of oneness and compassion, of generosity, is coming from the divine source within us. Any kindness and love we give out is returned to us.
2. Being supportive of someone involves positive energy. This is the kind of uplifting, inspiring energy that instills faith and hope in others. Sometimes having someone believe in you impacts you so much you begin to believe in yourself and give yourself permission to dream. This is the kind of energy that embraces life despite the challenges and setbacks, that sees the possibilities as endless. It is a 'say yes' feeling and adopts the attitude of 'why not'.
3.We ourselves will need support at some time in our life. Ah, the sad fact of life is that we will face difficulty. Hard times. The people we lean on for support during those times make life bearable and beautiful, do they not? Their presence in our life is something to cherish. Without them life would be harder than it needs to be.

For the reasons above and the many reasons I didn't mention, those who support us are very precious. I started out by thinking of how much support I have found in regards to my writing career. So many well wishes and words of encouragement right when you need it. Even the sharing of knowledge and tips of wisdom go a long way toward saying, I want the best for you. Go for it. You can do it. This type of interaction gives me a boost. It is so uplifting and energizing to receive such support and I am always grateful. I personally have found such inspiring people and have been touched by words of support on just the right day. My heart leaps a little just thinking about those moments!

I think wherever you are, you can find such a support system that you will be amazed. Do the people in your support system know you recognize and appreciate them? It never hurts to let people know that you value them, does it? Hmm.

Of course I don't want to have this be a one-sided look at this topic. We receive support and also give it. That is what makes the circle complete. In fact, I bet you can name multiple causes and people you support. Great. That is wonderful! So many of us give and give. We are givers. I am not going to talk about giving at this point, although I hope you are giving to yourself, too. Not in a greedy, self-obsessed way but in a nurturing and honoring kind of way. You deserve that. But, for the moment, I want to focus on the many people involved in bringing us closer to our dreams. Who helps you become more of who you are, who aids you in living from your highest self? Those individuals are the ones who get you. They offer you the world. Let them know how much they have impacted your life. You are doing that same thing for someone else. I'm pretty sure.


  1. Love this message. Its refreshing to read pieces by people who have similar positive outlooks !


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