Poetry and Wisdom


    I have been writing poetry again  and will probably be shopping for another journal. I like to write
my poetry by hand and then type it later, putting it where it needs to go.

    I have been thinking about wisdom lately, and how I named my cat Sophia Dawn, for the dawn of wisdom. What does wisdom mean to me? It means listening to your  highest self, your spiritual true self. It means choosing life-affirming thoughts and actions. It means choosing love.

     I never thought of myself as one who makes rash moves, one who leaps without thinking. But since last year I have taken such unlike-me actions that it makes me wonder, did I make a wise choice? Was I acting from a place of being guided by wisdom? I guess you might say I reflect on things a bit! Lol.
     Anyway, nearly two years ago I brought home my new kitten. I knew just what to name her. Sophia Dawn, for the dawn of wisdom. I was really seeking answers to some personal questions at the time.  I love my cat! Even if she has ruined a couch and some woodwork!

Below I have a poem about wisdom. I hope you enjoy. Oh, and a picture of Sophia, too.


Wisdom speaks and we do not listen
Wisdom cries and our response is to ignore
Wisdom breathes into us; like a gentle breeze it washes over everything at one.
After our resistance stops
acceptance dawns within us
understanding and knowing grow
changing the heart of  the one who allows it
a place to be.

From Sophia and I: Thank you!  Happy reading!


  1. Thank you for sharing a beautiful poem and your adorable cat. It was so nice to see this blog post tonight. Inspiring! -Stacey

  2. thank you so much, Stacey! I truly get uplifted by kind comments, and you made my morning! Have a great week and thanks again.


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