Listening to Self and Writing Poetry

Hi! Thanks for stopping by.

Lately I have been working on new poems. I am inspired by spring coming up, by books I have been reading, by quotes that I have saved on Pinterest. But most of all I have been inspired by the recurring word; "Listen."

The same word keeps appearing in all my reading material, and again as I browse on social media.

In books, on Facebook posts, on Twitter. Over and over I see the admonition to listen.

Listen to what? Perhaps to my inner Self. That part of me that responds to poetry, to spiritual and self-growth books. The part of me that feels the words that I write down.

When I do, I notice that my poems come easier. They are more expressive. Ah. My poetry comes from a place that I listen to in silence. Sit before in silence. Open up to in silence.

When we listen to others, we are giving them a gift. We are honoring them. When we listen to ourselves, we give ourselves a gift and honor ourselves. True?

In the spirit of listening and honoring, I am collecting what I hope will be my third book of poetry. The theme is affirmations, which is something I have been focusing on more lately. Positive affirmations that require an openness and embracing of the act of listening to ourselves; to know our dreams and hopes, to know what lies within.

Here is a brief poem for today. Does it evoke a memory, an idea, a story waiting to be told?
Either way, I just hope you enjoy.

I am Listening

I listen to your story
writing  down the best parts
when I can; looking for the moments
when love prevails.



  1. hy mom.
    im like your blog, and i need you review my site please come in ngasih tau

    thank you

  2. Haha this really struck a cord with me (especially when it comes to the US political system these days... goodness).
    Too often people are too busy thinking of a response to something, when really, listening wholly and considering another's idea would elicit a much better response naturally.
    Very thought provoking, worth the read

    1. thanks! Yes, I agree that listening to others would bring about much needed change. Glad you enjoyed!

  3. Haha this really struck a cord with me (especially when it comes to the US political system these days... goodness).
    Too often people are too busy thinking of a response to something, when really, listening wholly and considering another's idea would elicit a much better response naturally.
    Very thought provoking, worth the read

  4. Hi Kimberly, Lovely post, and lovely theme of listening. I'm a life coach and author and recently I've been putting myself out into the spotlight more and more with interviews, etc. I wanted to share that I did what I consider my best interview yet this morning with the lovely Peggy Nolan because from the get-go, I decided I would really listen to her and not be so concerned about, as John says, above, formulating my response. It felt really natural and flowed really beautifully. Thank you for sharing this really important insight! xo, Reba

    1. you are welcome. Thanks for responding and also for offering your passion! I am glad you enjoyed... and great job on the interview!

  5. This is gorgeous, Kimberly. I love the poem so much. Thank you!

    1. thank you! I am glad you enjoyed! I loved to feel the inspiration and just let it flow. Lately it hasn't been easy, but when it comes I have to write!! I am happy to see others feel something from the words of my heart... it means so much to me!!


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