
Showing posts from 2019

Working and reflection

New writing, courtesy of a few months of working and inner searching. Hope you enjoy, and thank you for sharing in my passion:) Birth Pushing the words out leaving screams     on the page can you hear them hollow verbs and nouns     upon stark white giving my dreams and sorrows a shadow of a life     temporary like a puff of smoke; how long must I labor to birth my story into the world Mantra Life should not be like this Life should not be like this Life should not be like this Life should not be like this Life should not be like this. I will change my life into what it should be. I will change my life into what it should be. I will.

Personal Choices: Poetry for those times you have to decide

\ Hi! Welcome back! Here are some new poems. I hope you enjoy them. Most of my writing this summer has been put toward  either a new chapbook or full-length poetry book that I am working on. I am amazed it is already August. How about you? Decisions Look carefully, slowly within for the answer you seek is already there the path is already paved You are not alone in your quest and inspiration will find you when you rest when you allow yourself to just be Place your faith in your inner wisdom and your choices will be clear your decisions will bring you peace Adventure What does the soul crave adventure or purpose - maybe knowledge, perhaps? For the seeking of things draws them near, with the hum of  their fulfillment becoming more dear and it leads me to wonder why do I feel like something is missing if I am not sure of what to do next if my plan of action isn't detailed enough Perhaps I would do well to stop embrace the m...

Gratitude and Beauty; Taking it all in

Hi! Welcome, and thanks for being here. I hope your summer is going well. Busy or relaxed, the longer daylight hours can offer us moments to reflect upon things and admire nature. That is what I love about summer- the color, nature in full bloom, early sunrise with my coffee. Nature can be so inspiring! For today's poetry I will share my recent personal photos taken while on vacation. I love to be surrounded by nature! In Quiet Moments Breathe slowly take in all the colors let the wind caress your shoulders and fill you with a knowing This wind and sky are gently surrounding you holding you providing you with all you think you need So when you stop to look around and gratitude flows from some deep place it is in that moment that you are shown the truth of your beauty and sacredness it is those quiet moments that change how you see yourself and the world

More new poetry and writing update!

Hello! Thanks for stopping by.  Hope all is well with you.  Today's poetry is inspired by what might be my next poetry book titled BELOVED.  I have been submitting my works titled JOURNEY OF A DREAM and SHY Of THE FIRE. Wish me luck!! I hope you enjoy the following poetry. THREAD Love runs a thread thru a thousand memories It lights the stars in the sky and Fuels the morning breeze If you listen You can hear it humming Whispering Across the mountains and over the ocean Carrying your dreams Holding your joy Love is the fabric and the thread that covers us Awakening us to the beauty of who we are. l

What happens when you believe... poems to encourage

When someone believes in themselves The whole world conspires To throw galaxies of confetti At their feet. Did you hear that? I just heard a whispering voice say Be careful where you walk... Don't forget to say I love you To others To yourself To your dreams    You know, the ones waiting in your heart    For you to rain blessing and sunshine    Upon them with your words.

New poetry!

Hi! Just poetry today. Hope all is well with you! I also hope you enjoy the poems below. Thank you for sharing in my work. It means so much! Love  I am all the love within the stars And you are the galaxy That holds  My light Light  You Shine your love upon me And I reflect your light To you  This is how  We light the sky. Moonlight  Softly carried on the water by Moonlight scented wind The image of your face Stays with me Resides in my heart Always

Feeling energized? Getting Inspired and going for it!

Hi! Thank you for stopping by. I am glad you are here. How has this year been for you, so far? Wow, it is already June! For me, it has been an emotional year - or should I say past few months. I am finding myself in the position of asking what do I really want to do with my life, my time, my passion? I want to be one who offers encouragement, insight, a bit of a nudge. I want my writing to uplift and inspire. So, with that being said, I have only recently begun to write my next poetry book and hold within myself the energy and inspiration to write. I was previously doing something that taxed me beyond what I let on to others and I had no energy left for writing, which is really my passion. Poetry, for me, stems from an untouchable place within. Stress and trying to force it does not work. Good news is I have been given the time to write for now and it feels so good!! I am writing more poetry than I have in a long time and I am allowing myself the cha...

Writing update

Hi! Thank you for stopping by. I am excited to share that I am writing another poetry book! I am  tentatively calling it Journey of a Dream. I am 20 pages into it! It feels very good to be writing again. In the meantime, if you would like to check out my latest work, Notes to Self is my latest poetry book. It is available on Website . Thanks!

Moving Forward: A poem and reflection

Moving Forward Hello!Welcome, and thank you for stopping by. I am headed toward a life change, professionally speaking. And it has me thinking. Specifically, about how much time I spend thinking about things that are to come. Things that I want to happen, things I hope don't happen. You get the idea. I also think about the past way too much, so how much time does that leave for right now, the present? Not enough. So, for me, a new focus has emerged. To be more mindful of the moment. There is so much to appreciate. There really is no reason to stress so much. Breathe. I feel much better already. Hope you enjoy the below poem! The Gift Right before my eyes I see you me everything I see love and dreams I see tears and moonlight  dancing But most of all I see the gift of time and space and the words that exist between them

Poetic Inspiration Update

Hello! Thank you for joining me. I am glad you are here. Welcome! I have been absent for a while and want to wish all of you well. I will have a lot more time to devote to writing soon- that is the good news! I look forward to having the space to allow my feelings to flow and for my writing to grow. Hopefully, I will be doing a lot of this: and feeling like this: I am not posting a new poem today but I will be doing so soon. Thanks, and have a great day!

Being all that you are: living true to yourself

Hi! Welcome! It's been a while since my last post. I hope all is well with you and that good things come with the better spring weather very soon. I have been hit with one theme over and over again lately, and that is the importance of living from an authentic place.  Being yourself in your day to day life. It seems hard to do for some reason in our culture. Why do we have to fight to just be ourselves? It is so tiring. Is it any wonder, we might have  hard time knowing others if we don't or won't  take time to know ourselves and to be that? Thinking about that led me to write some new poetry. I hope you enjoy! Me I am here dreaming working living trying to find my joy; Somewhere all that I love is waiting for me to embrace it claim it and my talents are bursting to be set free. I am so ready to just be me! Better World So if everyone expressed their gifts allowed their heart to shine sang their own unique song then We would...

What song is within You?

Welcome here! I hope you are well. I am ready for February! Having just a few moments alone gave me the opportunity to reflect on what I am feeling, especially concerning creating the time and space it takes to know and nurture what it is that fulfills you. I wish it wasn't so hard to do that. Anyway, all this reflecting helped inspire this poem. Hope you  enjoy,  and that you hear your song. Song I hear the call of my song The melody stays in my head I am gasping for air now Every time I think of living from The place my song comes from I want to stop the wanting And just be Be free to be who I want to be To give life and expression To the notes within my soul.

Beginning a new year!

Happy New Year! Things are getting off to a great start.  Welcome  2019! I have been thinking about what I want to bring to this year. An openness to whatever comes, an appreciation for moments of beauty. Peace. Joy. I found a picture that captures that very essence. I hope the poetry below instills a little of it, too. Vision Take your inner vision Nurture and protect your dreams  go where they are are nourished; leave the place where they are not. Bring sunshine to others but give it first to yourself. Moments Tiny moments burst with meaning full of love and circumstance time turns voice and physicality into heartbeat and song Yet I embrace the moment for the beauty it holds Its promises  and melancholy Its joyful sweetness to be savored Thank you for beginning the year  with me. I wish everyone a very happy and peaceful beginning to the new year!