Moving Forward: A poem and reflection

Moving Forward

Hello!Welcome, and thank you for stopping by.

I am headed toward a life change, professionally speaking. And it has me thinking.
Specifically, about how much time I spend thinking about things that are to come. Things that I want to happen, things I hope don't happen. You get the idea. I also think about the past way too much, so how much time does that leave for right now, the present? Not enough. So, for me, a new focus has emerged. To be more mindful of the moment. There is so much to appreciate. There really is no reason to stress so much. Breathe.
I feel much better already.

Hope you enjoy the below poem!

The Gift

Right before my eyes I see
I see love and dreams
I see tears and moonlight 
But most of all
I see
the gift of
time and
and the words that exist between them


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