Being all that you are: living true to yourself

Hi! Welcome!

It's been a while since my last post. I hope all is well with you and that good things come with the better spring weather very soon.

I have been hit with one theme over and over again lately, and that is the importance of living from an authentic place.  Being yourself in your day to day life. It seems hard to do for some reason in our culture. Why do we have to fight to just be ourselves? It is so tiring. Is it any wonder, we might have  hard time knowing others if we don't or won't  take time to know ourselves and to be that?

Thinking about that led me to write some new poetry. I hope you enjoy!


I am here
trying to find my joy;
Somewhere all that I love
is waiting for me to embrace it
claim it
and my talents are
bursting to be set free.
I am so ready to just be me!

Better World

So if everyone expressed their gifts
allowed their heart to shine
sang their own unique song
We wouldn't be surprised by the beauty
within us and around us
we wouldn't be amazed at all that we are capable of
It would just be us, being us, making the world a better place.

Thanks again for stopping by.  I really appreciate it. Do something today that is uniquely you!!


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