Poetry, New Book, Dreams

Hello, and welcome to my poetry world. I am glad you are here! Today I am just enjoying going over previous poems that I have written. I have a few favorites! But, in all seriousness, each poem says something. Something about me. My feelings. My dreams. My life. In putting them together it is kind of like a diary (for me, anyway). A diary or record of my emotions and thoughts. I titled my second book after the poem below. It is a flash record of a particular sort of emotion, a tidal wave of feeling. It means something deeper to me than it appears to on the surface. Personal writing is like that.
I hope you enjoy the poem!

Echoes of Moonlight

I remember your smile
touching my inner love
and I can still hear your voice
saying my name in the echoes of moonlight
that reverberate in my soul;
it is with hunger that I feel your eyes upon me
because all my senses are unfulfilled
I am an empty shell of a woman without you
you know it's true
So I  come to you in the way of a child
trusting and earnest
hoping and waiting for a miracle, for transformation
and all it takes is one look in your eyes
for my heart to be yours.

Copyright 2015 Kimberly DuBoise

If you liked this poem and would like to read more, check out the book Echoes of Moonlight !! Available on Amazon at http://www.goo.gl/TsnqZq

Thanks for sharing in my dream!!


  1. Such lovely work, Kimberly. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words! Glad to share from the heart...


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