My Poetry Plans


I am busy writing poems again. Reading poetry, too. Do you have a favorite poet? I like Rumi.

My plans for this year include submitting to contests and completing another full-length book of

poems. I have been a bit inspired as of late to focus on affirmations and so my next collection of

poems will be themed around that. I am so excited!

I can hardly believe it is almost February already. On that note, I have written a love poem in

anticipation of Valentine's day. Here it is:


I love you to excess-

too much

so they say

but they haven't been in my shoes

haven't felt the pain I have

only to have it all washed away by a smile

a touch, a look, a word.

You saw me and I was seen for the first time

and I knew you, too


Our dreams support each other

moonlight offers sanctuary in your arms;

I think it is fine thing

to love

to excess.


  1. Beautiful love poem for Valentine's day. I also love Rumi and am reading a Rumi poem a day this year.

    1. Awesome! I am glad you enjoyed. Yay, Rumi! I love your idea. Have a great time reading.


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