Writing on vacation

      Ah, home. Nothing like it. Especially when you first get back from a vacation.
Getting back from vacation, I immediately noticed how much can change in 8 days.
Flowers and weeds exploded. Strawberries ripened. Peaches on our tree grew ! Such a fun thing to watch. I anticipate summer all year and relish the sight of things growing. Speaking of that, my cat was happy to see me then treated me with a little spell of feigned ambivalence. What? Was she used to being without me that quick? Or was she mad at me for leaving? Miss Independent. She thinks I can't feel her purr when she sits on my feet at night on top of the covers. Ha. Jokes on her. I know!

     Anyway, I am back and have to make progress with my writing and some needed home repairs.
I need to set some goals for the next few months and figure out the direction I want to go with regards to my writing. I thought I might write some poetry while on vacation and even took some paper and pen (!!) but only managed a little bit of writing. I mostly let myself get quiet. I spent time staring into the blue abyss of water and inhale. I thought a lot about how I want answers to certain questions, clarity, and yet I might not receive them if I have my mind on the past or the future. Why is it so hard to be fully present in the moment? In the now? At least, it is for me. I think I am getting better at focusing on the now, on letting go of a future-oriented way of thinking. Slowly.
     With some writing projects done and one almost at the half-way point, I am excited to see what the next few months will bring. My current WIP, dealing with my experience of Turner Syndrome,
has hit a block that I need to push through. I will push through, though. I am aware that my stumbling blocks are self-made and emotional in nature. I know I can get through it and write the rest of my story. Then I will be able to offer a piece of myself to the world. I do that with my poetry, but this is scarier.  This is way scarier. And exciting.
     I ask myself, what is next after you finish this? I don't know. Yet.
      Enjoy some vacation pics, and thank you so much for being a part of my writing journey!
Today is the day. Make it beautiful.


  1. Beautiful photos, and a beautiful reminder to find the beauty in this now moment, and the next. Thank you!

    1. thank you so much! Glad you liked. It seems to be a theme this year...
      I hope you have a great day and stay inspired! wishing you the best..


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