Summer plans and Poetry


     I have been embracing the beginning of summer and am amazed at how fast time is going.
It will be the Fourth of July soon! Who has plans made already? Not me.
     I stepped back from my WIP  earlier but now I am back into it. I am feeling inspired to write poetry again. That feels wonderful!

     Plans for the rest of the summer includes writing, promoting, planning ahead. Maybe visit the pool a few times. I have been walking on a regular schedule, which feels good. I need to get back into my yoga.

     What refreshes you and keeps you motivated? I have had such kind words and actions expressed on my behalf that it makes me burst with gratitude. I appreciate such encouragement and support. Wouldn't the world be so much better if we just helped each other rather than ignored each  other, competed with each other, kept ourselves so busy we can't think straight? But that's another topic!

    Here are some poems that I have written recently. I hope you enjoy!


Are you watching
for a vision of me to appear?
How still are you keeping
your restless mind -
prone as it is to wondering?
Wandering thoughts and quickened
pass the time until you sit
in darkness
looking for a sign
any sign
of Me
and I am there
I am here
Always watching over


The ocean is your playground - your delight,
with offerings of life and mystery to behold;
for me it is a power,
a link to life's wonder,
with secrets kept and answers held.
The beauty and majesty of the boundless blue
overpowers me  - my senses are subdued by the sound of the rushing waves
and the tang of salty air;
I feel so small
I feel the truth of my place in time and space
standing here with my heart facing the ocean
and my feet rooted  softly in the sand.


  1. Like you, I'll be writing this summer. And waiting for two grand daughters to make their way into this world in July. And traveling. Really enjoyed your poem, "Watching." Nice beat :-)

    1. Thanks! I appreciate that! It sounds like your summer will be amazing. And exciting. Enjoy the moments!


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