Personal Dreams and Wishes


     Glad you stopped by.
Today's poem is about wishes and dreams.
I have been thinking a lot about personal dreams, life dreams, wishes of our heart.
I have even been reading my inspirational books again. I love to read those over and over.
Staying inspired is so important!
Have you realized a dream recently? Are you working toward a dream?
I hope you are surrounded by inspiration. I hope your  inner-fire is well-lit.

     Sometimes in the pursuit of a dream things in life change more than we think they will,
more than we think possible when we first start on the journey. Thinking about that, and the nature of dreams and wishes, prompted the poem below.


Wishes and Dreams

My wishes are luring me
enticing me
my dreams shine like stars
twinkling in the galaxy of my soul's expanse.
I wonder what fuels my dreams,
turns wishes into reality-
is it love that spurs the rising of my dream
and keeps it flame brightly burning-
or is it desire for expression?
My soul wants to dance in the delight
of my dream's fulfillment,
it wants to sing with exuberant glee.
My wishes have become my dreams,
the breath of my body
 now alive with anticipation
at the realization of my dreams.

     So, once again, as we go through our week, I hope you have the chance to dream. To see a dream fulfilled. Dream a little dream!


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