I have been writing...

What have I been writing?

My first fiction story, for one. Getting close to my word count goal on that. Amazing experience. One thing I l have learned - I wish I was more technologically gifted! I encounter so many things I don't know how to do and part of the learning process for me is figuring out how to do those things!
Also, I have been writing poetry. I have a full-length book of poetry completed and have been submitting that to places taking full-length poetry books. Yes! So exciting.
For Valentine's Day I revamped by short story; Love Notes, 30 Things About You That Make Me Smile. I wrote it last year but changed it some, putting it back on Amazon. I love the new cover!
Here is the scenario:
A young wife has no gift for her husband for Valentine's Day and opts to creatively spend thirty days showing her husband in small, meaningful ways how much she loves him.
This is a clean, short read, now for 99 cents.
I know it is past Valentine's Day, but love is always in bloom!
Giving love it's due...



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