What rejuvenates you?

Happy 2015! I wish you a great start to the new year and thank you for visiting with me. Today's topic is on the subject of rejuvenation. With the new year starting I have been thinking about feeling revitalized, energized, focused. Keeping that in mind, it wasn't until today when walking the dog with my husband that I took in the blue sky and felt the sun on my face. Yes it is cold outside but, still! Bright sun! Blue skies! After weeks of gray skies I was desperate for some blue skies. I am a spring and summer person. Give me the beach and sandals- or barefoot on the beach. Ah. That's more like it! Frozen toes and hands make me grimace. Cold is painful. Anyway, on our walk in the sun I realized that I am truly without a doubt energized by the sun- even on cold days. Blue skies uplift my mood. This lead me to wonder about the effect color has on us. Interesting studies have been done. I know my favorite color - green - is symbolic of growth and healing. Yes. I love that.
So, on my list so far I have the sun and color. Upon further thought I came across this - I love lighthearted, funny movies. I find laughter to be wonderfully uplifting. Perhaps it stems from my childhood, which doesn't need to be brought up here. Anyway, it is ironic that laughter means so much to me because I am a quiet person by nature, very much the introvert. I don't like all humor - not much comedy/ comics for me , but the silly jokes and puns that are accidental are so funny to me. In fact, one of the things that drew me to my husband early on was his ability to make me laugh.
Also on this list is quiet time. So important. It helps me feel grounded to start the day with meditation, sometimes yoga.
I wonder what would happen if this year I focused on adding more things to my week, to my day even, that rejuvenated me? If we made a point to add a little something to our day that refreshed us and let go of things that drained us. And not from a self-centered perspective but from a view of self-care.
So here is my list of what rejuvenates me:
1. The sun
2. Color- Blue and Green
3. Laughter
4. Quiet Time

My challenge to you is to think of four things that rejuvenate you, that leaves you feeling refreshed and inspired. Add them incrementally into your day, your life. Add another thing so that you have five. Make it a point to enrich your life and the life of others, too, by allowing them to do the same for themselves. See what happens. Let me in on what happens!

Much Joy and Rejuvenation,

                                                       Kimberly DuBoise, aka the tinypoet

two poems, written by me, that are just silly: remember laughter !!

Fast-Food World

Hey, baby he mouthed into the phone
I got you the value meal you like
and I know it's silly
but the warmth I felt
the love spoken into the air
gave me hope for humanity
made  me smile to myself
Love in a fast-food world.


You tickled my funny bone
even though it wasn't funny
but really when you think about it
life isn't funny
it's serious
sometimes too serious
so laugh when you can
as much as you can
I say
what good is having a funny bone
if you don't use it?


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