Singing your song

Hello! Hope you are having a beautiful day. I am pretending it is spring. Want to join me ?
 If you like winter cold and ice, it is okay. I will send it your way!!

Ah, today is like no other. We have today, a gift. To enjoy.
I intend to enjoy it. Do you? Even with all there is to do, all that needs fixing or whatever, it only takes a moment to reach within and see how beautiful life really is. How wondrous everything really is. So I invite you to take a moment now, today, to step back and see life with new eyes.
Not because it is a new year.
Because you become renewed when you get silent and release distractions, when you let go of keeping the weight of the world on your shoulders and breathe just to get through the things you must do on your list. When you start to listen to the song of your heart, your spirit.
It sings. Even in winter. I promise.
Can you hear it?
Can your hear your song?
I think mine was like a caged bird, getting louder and louder until I could no longer ignore it.
For me, I had a 'new year/new me' sort of feeling when I began to focus on writing last year.

Setting goals and holding a new vision for my future made me feel so excited and energized.
Starting a new venture, making life changes, letting go, all of those things just need your willingness and desire. Any day of the year can be the start of something wonderful.

So what song do you want to sing this year? What have you quietly (or not so quietly) ignored for so long, but now you can't ignore it any longer?

I hope you feel encouraged by the nearness of spring. By the joy that your song will bring to the world when you sing it. Gather whatever and whomever will go with you and support you on your journey. The support I have found really fills me with joy and humble gratefulness. Life is so much better when we give and receive love and support to one another. Right? Building up instead of tearing down. Yes.

For me, this year's word (I've seen it all over, use one keyword rather than resolutions) just might be support. I also like honor. So I guess I just might have two words this year!

So I leave you with this: First, thank you again for being here with me, my words on a page that spill from my heart. You are part of that support I was talking about, and I feel thankful to share a part of my thoughts with you! Next, what is the song you want to sing or sing even louder this year?

I can't wait to hear it.


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