Recognition: Poetry of an Aha-Moment

Thank you for stopping by.
I am so thankful that you decided to spend a few minutes here.

    I hope you like my newest poems. They come from a time of quiet reflection,
of going still and opening myself up to how much I have to be grateful for. They also
came from really embracing who I feel that I am- that we all are.
Here is one poem, with more to come soon!


I am surrounded in the dark
by a shining light,
I am pulled into a pool of warmth
and bathed in shimmering peace.
This moment feels frozen -
full -
and I am empty.
Even in this space
love grows -
especially in this place -
I sense a truth settling over me;
I am part of all that I see
and it is part of me.
Eternity exists within us all,
and those with eyes to see
see only Love.

Thank you again for sharing in my heart's calling.
Stay in Love!


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