The Gift Within Silence: Meditation, Poetry, Enlightenment

Hi! Welcome!

     I have been thinking recently about the quiet moments, the ones we seem to have to make a
conscious effort to enjoy; those moments of reflection and introspection that offer us
respite, insight and renewal. I want to make time for more of that in my life. Do you?
It is almost as if I am craving the peace and guidance that comes in those moments
when I sit in silence and allow myself to just BE. I can release my sense of urgency
concerning issues in my life that are coming up. I can relax.
     Spending time acknowledging blessings, envisioning the future, releasing and letting go
of negative energy, all happen within, in the sacred space that waits for us to be present with it.
Such gifts come to us when we do! Today's poem is a reflection upon that realization.
     Does it feel as though you have been drawn to allowing, or experiencing, more quiet moments in your life? Perhaps the beauty and joy around you has been trying to get your attention, saying "let me in!"

I found this quote on stillness and quiet moments that spoke to me. See if it sparks something inside of you!

"In stillness lives wisdom. In quiet you'll find peace.
In solitude you'll find yourself."
                                                   Robin Sharma

Here is my poem today. I hope you enjoy!

The Gift Within

So the moment came for me to rest,
to still my mind and open it
to the wonders of the world.
I was unprepared for the storm that surged within-
so wild and forceful-
and I was undone by the beauty that surrounded me
once the storm had passed.
Radiant light shone everywhere
from everywhere and to everything.
I found myself to be a point of light
hiding at first from her brilliance,
Listening to the voice within the silence
I somehow gained my own;
my own still voice came rushing out
like so much water gushing.
I was flooded with goodness;
peace was carried on the wind.
All this occurred without a sound
just a willingness to know
to be
to love
at last.

Have a beautiful day, and let your knowing shine bright!!
Thank you for being such a special part of my writing world, where I am becoming
more ME all the time!


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