Choosing Love over Fear: Poem of an Inspired Heart

Hello! Thank you for visiting with me. I am so glad to share my poetry with you.
As it is National Poetry Month, I think I will stop by the library today and pick up
some poetry books.
I am so excited!

I just know I will find inspiration in the pages of a book today...

Do you get inspired and uplifted by what you read? I make an effort (failing sometimes) to get books that do just that for me- inspire me and encourage me. I have favorite authors, favorite books that I read over and over. I also like to find new authors. New books are like a gift, waiting to be opened on Christmas morning!

What I am reading right now isn't a poetry book (gasp! Don't worry, I will share what I find at the library!). It is Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. Such a great book!
In it he mentions love vs. fear, and that was my inspiration for the poem below. I think that part of
living a fulfilled life involves the letting go of fear and learning to embrace love instead.
I know that, for me, this one step has been challenging and part of my life lesson. Anyway, I hope
you enjoy the poem!

My choice

I sit in silence and contemplate
the profundity of what I just read-
the wisdom of the words sit heavy on
my soul and yet makes it lighter
at the same time!
All along it was me-
I knew it was!
I am the one who brought all things
into my life-
I am the one who listened to fear,
who feared the shadows,
even though you create a shadow
when you stand in the light!
But now I see it all so clearly
that the choice of love was there to make
all along, too.
And I choose love!
Letting love be my guide is
my choice
my aha moment
my destiny.
Now I can fly.


 Always choose love! It's never the wrong choice!

Thanks for sharing your day with me!


  1. I just love your poetry, and I love, love Wayne Dyer. He was, and will always be, my greatest teacher. I learned more from him in a few years than I have my entire life. Keep writing!

  2. Dear Barb, thank you so much for your kind words. You have no idea how much they mean to me! I am touched and glad you liked my poems. I promise I will keep writing!


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