Still in the moment: A Poem of Reflection and Awareness

     Hello! Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you like my newest poem. I get inspired by what I read and after reading this week I felt like I had a good topic for a poem- the gift,or gifts, that are presented to us every day. Simply by slowing down and appreciating all aspects of ourselves, our lives, we see that we are indeed given much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for all that is present in my life, and one thing I look forward to is many more inspired moments of writing ahead!!

Hope you enjoy the poem!

 Still in the Moment

 All of your moments
come to you, by and by,
with the intention of delivering the message of your divinity.
Do not waste them! 
Through the ages, through time and space,
you learn to honor your humanity. 
Cherish it! 
Both are present.
One is eternal.
There is joy is knowing that the flow of your breath
links you to the source of all.
All of your moments
and all of mine
come to us with a purpose.
Let us not waste them!


  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and inspiring poem, Kimberly. Yesterday I saw the new movie about Emily Dickinson, called "A Quiet Passion", and realize what a gift the times we live in are in so many ways. How different the times were for women (and men) who were seekers living the explored life in her days.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment. I'd like to see that movie. I am glad you liked the poem!

  3. I wish my printer was working so I could print this out and hang it over my desk. Will do so in the future. Simply beautiful.

    1. Oh you sweetheart! You made my day. Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it. Peace and love...


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