Feeling Thankful and Going Forward: A Poet's Update and Assessment


     Writing poetry. Such a personal matter. Yet we share it with the world, and what was once in the most private recess of our hearts and minds is private no longer. Once on the page, our feelings and ideas are out there, exposed for all to see.  It is, for me, many things are once. Scary. Therapeutic. Healing. Joyous.
     When I said "yes" to writing poetry, things began to change in my life. Funny how that works! I had so many poems bottled up inside that it felt as if I were literally releasing them, pouring them forth from somewhere deep and onto the page. The process of  my first book, of compiling those poems, was amazing. Then I wrote more and complied them into my second book. That one felt different. It was harder to write and yet each poem within it means something very special to me.
     Now? I have a chapbook I am submitting and I am looking into contests. I am grateful to have listened to the voice within me urging me to write. I am grateful when my writing reaches someone, touches someone, moves them in an uplifting way. It fulfills me in a way nothing else ever has.
     You are sharing my joy with me by being part of my blog, so I need to and want to thank you, too. Thank you for increasing the joy in my heart by being part of my blog and joining me on my writing adventure!!

More poems to come, soon!

Poetically Inspired and Deeply Grateful,

Kimberly DuBoise


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