Spring Delight

Hi! Today I just have a short poem about spring. I love many things about Spring. What's your favorite season?


Embracing the warmth of spring

sunshine floods the air, color

explodes into  a riotous display

of exuberance;

with the promise that new life brings

blowing on the wing of a butterfly.

Spring immerses the senses in delight

in joy

in Love.


  1. As a child, summer was always my favorite time of year because it meant no school, running barefoot through the grass & lazy days in the pool! As an adult, I can't take the heat, so I love Spring & Fall. The blooming flowers, trees & vibrant colors of Spring make me happy after a long, dark winter! Lovely poem. :-)

  2. Hi! Thanks for your comment. I understand. I like Spring and Summer. Fall is okay. Basically everything but cold/ice! lol. Have a great weekend!


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