From Reader to Writer, from Writer to Reader

Writing my poetry. Then reading it. Repeat.


The beginning of a poem for me usually comes all at once- a line or phrase, maybe a bit more.
Then I freeze. I read what I have and sometimes the rest just flows. Other times I stop, thinking that it isn't quite done yet I am hard pressed to add more. More and more I am stopping at some point in my poem. I don't get frustrated. No. I get excited! I know something delicious is cooking, stewing, almost ready. I can't rush it- like I can't rush a roast or turkey or even a pie. So, the part where I step away and let myself relax into my poem is becoming a favorite part. An enjoyable part of my writing.
I do have a poem I wrote in one sitting. It came to me all at once like I was writing down something already written. I think this poem was already written - in my heart. It describes how I have felt in the past about certain books, certain authors. I get so much from books! Here is  poem I hope you enjoy, going with this theme.

 From Reader: To Writer

I am silent before your words; I am
undone. I am unraveling my hold
on reality.
Recognition hums through me
when I speak your words to myself.
I am changed by a page
and this is no longer a mystery to me;
I see that you are a sage. Teacher.
I am a reader.
A seeker.
You are a prophet. Awakener.
Together we change the world.


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