Words that Inspire


Words that inspire come easy at first
bubble over like a bottle of cheap champagne;
phrases that mean nothing
on the surface
suddenly voice themselves
and make their presence known -
their presence with their sticky truth
alter what you think is possible. Exotic.
Innocuous words inspire if the time is right
their sparks touching the joy-light within;
the feel of dreams touching earth
is like nothing words can describe
even though they try
and the soul rejoices as heaviness lifts and
lightness descends
infusing the atmosphere
with inspiration.

 This is a poem I wrote after thinking about inspiration, goals and dreams. I have read so many books on those very topics and love many quotes about them as well.  Do you have a favorite quote, saying or book on motivation ,inspiration, dreams? How do you stay inspired?

     Thank you for sharing my words today!!


  1. MY inspiration is God. In all he created. And all he blesses through mankind. And the angels around and among


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