Welcome Fall , welcome dreams...

Hi! Welcome back!! Thank you for joining me and sharing your time with me. I have been away for far too long!

     I have been thinking about purpose so much lately. Do things need to have a purpose, do I have to be on purpose in all things? Where is the room for joy in relation to purpose? I guess I have been wanting to relax, to feel joyful  and on purpose. I feel the dullness that comes from not taking the time to do what makes me happy and have decided to change course. Making my fulfillment my priority!

      The following poems are on this theme and I hope you enjoy. I also hope your fulfillment is your priority and that you are certain of its importance and possibility. Go for it!



Too busy for silence
for truth
for the peace I crave.
Catching my breath I feel
out of place
and restless.
Staying busy
doing what I no longer love
makes me false and leaves me
feeling lost.
Somewhere in the daylight hours
I lost sight of my dream , yet
I find it again in the moonlight
in the lyrics of a song
and in the mirror I try to hard to avoid.
I am on my way home, at last
no longer too busy
for my purpose and dreams.

Just be

Just be
Just be me
Just be true
Be the...
Be who you are on the inside
Listen to your heart
Be still
Just be




  1. Kimberly both poems rock. Plus the second poem dissolves the first poem LOL. Being present slows everything down so the busy-ness thing disappears.

    1. See below comment. I am so happy you liked!Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you! Yes, the second poem was written seconds after the first and yet I didn't p.an for it to flow that way. Thanks and I am glad you enjoyed.


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