Miracles and Poetry

What has been coming across in my reading and while searching social media lately is miracles.
Stories of miraculous events, quotes on miracles, books on miracles.
Everywhere I look, someone or something is shouting out about miracles. It got me thinking.
What do I consider a miracle? Do I believe in them, and, if so, what role does that belief
have in my faith and worldview?I know, I know. I think too much! That is true. I live in my head
- my thoughts- and have had to learn to focus on the moment. On the now. That said, I feel things deeply, too.Too much sometimes.
Writing down my thoughts and feelings helps me process things. Hence the attraction to poetry!
Anyway, I  have a poem today about miracles. I hope you enjoy it. Remember, stay open to all things
being possible.
As Wayne Dyer said, " I am realistic. I expect miracles."

Now that is the mindset I want to have and maintain!

What is a Miracle

Living and awakening to love
is a miracle;
seeing the kindness behind a smile
is a miracle.
You are a miracle,
as am I.
Letting this truth
reside in your heart
sets the stage for dreams to come true,
for wonder and joy
to create



  1. Lovely thoughts on miracles. Thanks for inspiring! Now I discovered a new blog to follow. 😊

  2. Lovely thoughts on miracles. Thanks for inspiring! Now I discovered a new blog to follow. 😊


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