Feeling the unity, so important right now! A poem and reflection.

Hello. May I take this moment to wish you well, and say thank you for stopping by. I have felt the need to write, express myself lately but have also felt so uneasy with all that is going on. I am reminding myself of truths that I know, trying to focus on holding onto peace and normalcy, grow in some way from this experience. This is kind of where I am right now, and so I offer you the words below with blessing and hope. And gratitude. Thank you. We are One One voice One heart One LOVE One One whisper One wave One sun One One life One heart One LOVE One ; We are One We are One Underneath the lies and dreams there is only truth existing as us there is love one love - Us ! Remember to live from that one love Remember to Be that love, honor the life that you are and everything will be well again