
Showing posts from October, 2014

Stepping Out in Faith

I love how life works... I really do. I have been plodding along, taking steps towards promoting my books, experiencing challenges and struggles as I am doing this on my own and have, for the moment, no budget due to leaving my job behind to write.  I received a message on FB from a friend, on my wedding anniversary no less, when I was bummed about having no money, who encouraged me just when I needed encouraged.  She was so thoughtful and full of support!The timing was perfect.  I think God does that. Sends you the perfect person, book or song at just the right time. You see, we are never alone. I know that. I hope you can see and know it, too. Love is always near. It is easy to forget the awesomeness of that truth when life hits you, tries to make you believe in the opposite. I suppose that is why I am so thankful for friends like the one I mentioned earlier, those rays of light that shine for us when our own light dims just a little. They ar...


Thank you for being here! I am making this a personal entry today. Because I am feeling so many things at once right now. Has that ever happened to you? I'm betting it has. It must be universal. Part of the human experience. So while I'm going through things, does it help to realize that I have caused most of what I'm going through (and, consequently, would rather not be) ? In other words, I am responsible for my situation. No! part of me wants to rebel at this but I know better. I know the truth. I stubbornly, crazily, used to teach my preschool class a pledge about choices and consequences! Yeah. I know. I accept how the universe works. I guess what I realize is that I have things in my life that are hard to deal with and I put them there, even though I say I'm ready for a new life, for abundance, health, joy and laughter. It is a test of faith, a time of getting clear on what I believe.  Looking at ways that I sabotage my drea...

Trials on the journey

Sometimes we go through things in life that seem unfair. Things can get so hard to deal with sometimes!  Part of the journey of life is learning to transcend what we perceive to be our limitations  and/or circumstances. Our understanding progresses as we consider what is within our control, how to deal with what we can't. Our values and beliefs may shift as a result. This is my experience, anyway, and maybe yours, too. What I know is that while I have let go of some ideas, beliefs and perceptions that I can see are not life-affirming, I have adopted new ones that further my goal of  living more inspired and at peace. This involves positive affirmations and much reading of inspirational texts, followed by meditation and prayer. I must note that this effort has not come without testing. Lucky my resolve to really change is strong- of course maybe this brings harder tests! I would leave you with a poem I wrote and a quote. I hope you feel that whateve...