What lies within : Poetry of reflection and heart

Hello! Thank you so very much for stopping by. I have just one poem today for my post, but it is a poem that reflects my mood lately. I have been thinking about family, about legacy, about love. In this reflection I have also reflected upon spiritual themes and concepts. Things that give me hope, comfort, understanding and peace. I have been remembering the feeling of things more than specific events. Does that make sense? It's not just because the holidays are coming up. I have just had time to reflect lately. Writing my story has prompted that, as well as some quiet time in between substitute teaching jobs. The past few weeks have been busier on the inside than on the outside!! Anyway, I have one poem to share and I hope you enjoy. Within I carry within myself the memory of You- all my senses rise when the thought of you stirs my mind awake; part of you I carry within my heart's desire and as I go toward it you are with me within me as enthusias...