Mystery and Poetry: A Poem offering reflection on Who we are
Good day! Thank you for stopping by. I have a poem for you today that came to me on a rare, quiet afternoon when I allowed myself time to reflect. I felt drawn to the topic of unity, of our connection to nature. I felt th ese words almost being spoken over me! They came to me softly in phrases, and I felt such peace as I wrote them down. It was a transcendent experience, one that I wish happened more often. I hope you enjoy! The Mystery of You The mystery you think I am is really the mystery of You, for we are linked as one- we both express divine love, our essence both pure and light. What you are and what I am is really the same. Seeing differences where none exist brings fear,sadness and pain; illusion feeds the needless suffering of love's great joy- You! So let us stay together now linked by a bond of pure love; in safety you will be guided to the placed you know as home.